Questions regarding startups
For questions regarding startups in the following branches: music industry, book market, art market, film industry, broadcasting industry, performing arts market, design (exhibition design and scenography, communication and product design, applied arts as well as photography, handicrafts, etc., and media art):
Sabrina Isaac-Fütterer, Cultural Office, Karlsruhe
For questions regarding startups in the following industries: software/games, advertising market (including film specializing in advertisement and industry), press market, architecture market, and engineering offices, design (focus: industrial design), new media/media industry, and associated industries such as lawyers, accountants, consultancies, etc.:
Dirk Metzger, Office of Economic Development, Karlsruhe
Questions regarding the renting space
For question regarding the renting space, hall and container equipment, as well as the technical services at Perfekt Futur:
Ariane Dony, Karlsruher Fächer GmbH & Co. Stadtentwicklungs-KG
0721 / 133 – 2419